Webster Dictionary Definition
Latin axioma, from Greek axiOma, literally, something worthy.

Since 2002, Axiom Technologies has specialized in providing sensible customer focused solutions for our clients. Axiom began as a vision to provide computer and network support services in the Yakima Washington area and evolved into a full time 24x7 support solution for clients spanning the areas from Seattle to Walla Walla.
In fulfilling its mission, Axiom maintains and actively promotes the highest ethical standards in its relationships with employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and society as a whole.

Honesty and integrity

will not be compromised in the pursuit of profits.

We truly believe that nothing is worth doing unless it is done well.

Our focus is:

Hardware Support
Software Support
Printer Support
Project Coordination

Axiom's experienced sales and technical staff are continually upgrading their skills in order to provide our clients with the most creative, cost-effective solutions. We are committed to ensuring that they realize the maximum benefits from today's technology.
There are four cornerstones to Axiom's business philosophy. These form the foundation on which our company was built and we promise to deliver them consistently and unconditionally.
Technical expertise
Creative solutions
Leading edge technologies
Exceptional customer service

In an industry suffering rapid declines in customer service quality, our clients continue to give our service an enthusiastic 99.99 percent satisfaction rating. Our Personal Support Technicians and Business Support Representatives have the technical expertise and problem-solving skills to handle any call all the way through to resolution.

Axiom is committed to the principles and values set forth and strive to be ever vigilant in maintaining and upholding our mission to provide the best in technical services found anywhere.